rehobothfarm ● A man who fights the sea is not a hero.

Oct 3, 2018: rehobothfarm

A man who fights the sea is not a hero. My Dad used to tell me, "Never play another man's game." The Internet was created by DARPA to infiltrate every aspect of our lives and manipulate our view of the world. Is it working? Have we temporarily taken control of it? Are we supposed to believe that we have partly seized control of the internet so that we can be manipulated better? Oh what a mess. The world of the Archons in full action. From the time you turn your computer on you invite shells upon shells of deception and lies. The whole thing is just sick. Go outside and look around. Look at a flower. Plant some kale. The real world isn't in here. Trust me. The internet is nice for doing research on how to do things but everything else is just bleck! Move to the country. Eat a lot of peaches.

The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
# Time
 1 Wed Oct  3, 2018 rehobothfarm ● A man who fights the sea is not a hero.