rehobothfarm ● You know John I deliberately didn't mention what state you were in

Oct 3, 2018: rehobothfarm

You know John I deliberately didn't mention what state you were in because I was trying to be discrete. Your hubris fixed that. On any Linux/Unix machine in the world you can open a terminal and type: whois and get your name and phone number. Good job using a PO box. I'm not sure if your county tax roles are on the Internet but you already told everybody that you live in the middle of the city. Now we know which one. It isn't magic or anything. No three letter secret agents involved. No code breaking. No wire taps or warrants. Just one command.

The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
# Time
 1 Wed Oct  3, 2018 rehobothfarm ● You know John I deliberately didn't mention what state you were in