rehobothfarm ● I think that is super

Oct 9, 2018:

I think that is super. I loved the old 68000 series processors and micro-controllers and the 6800's before them. VME bus workhorses. Good solid hardware that lent itself readily to electrical engineering needs. I wrote some op code on a 6811HC. Good times. Knitting machines are probably a really good application for them. I'm sure that from your work on that level you understand how important and how much control firmware has over a machine that users are completely blind to. You might also look at how the latest Chinese intrusion into even the most top secret level data centers was done by a hardware level breach. With all of that said, I'm telling you one more time. All of the commercially available hardware on the market has back doors built in at both the firmware level AND at the processor microcode level. Some of these vulnerabilities are public knowledge and some aren't. I am not allowed to discuss them because of NDAs, non disclosure agreements, that I have which are still in force. I am also once again going to tell you about the ONLY commercially available HARDWARE platform on the market that I would recommend to anyone who wants control over their own hardware for the purposes of security and safety. I am not and have never been employed by them and do not get any money from them for endorsement. Don't tell them I sent you because I don't care. This company takes pride in providing you hardware with no BLOBs. No black box chips at all. You get ALL of the firmware. You get ALL of the processor microcode. NOBODY does this but them to my knowledge. Their Talos II secure workstation is in full production now. Anyone who looks into the underlying hardware will also be VERY impressed with performance. If someone was paying me really good money as a consultant this is what I would recommend. I can't do anything else to help you.

The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
# Time
 1 Tue Oct  9, 2018 rehobothfarm ● I think that is super