Munther Isaac: Palestinian pastor speaks on Gaza, Christian Zionism and the future | UNAPOLOGETIC




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Munther Isaac: Palestinian pastor speaks on Gaza, Christian Zionism and the future | UNAPOLOGETIC

‘I mean from October we were saying this is ethnic cleansing and these are war crimes… If you follow the statements from Israeli leaders and the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza…. It was clear what they doing…they were eliminating Gaza, making sure that life in Gaza would never be back [to] the same way it was.’

In an extended interview, Reverend Dr Munther Isaac, the Lutheran pastor of Bethlehem, speaks about growing up under occupation, how Palestinian Christians have often been failed by the international Church, how the war in Gaza in an extension of colonialism and the world’s inaction to stop what he says is a clear case of genocide and ethnic cleansing


0:00 Growing up in Bethlehem and addressing the crisis in Gaza.

07:34 The first intifada, life for occupied Palestinians.

15:06 How faith faith shaped the Pastor, confusion as a christian and resistance.

22:31 Palestinian Christians facing forced displacement due to Israeli occupation and historical events.

29:37 Impact of checkpoints and settlements on Palestinian communities, emphasising the struggle against control.

37:52 Encountering settlers evokes fear.

42:59 Evangelical Christians and Zionism and John Hagee.

52:37 Call for immediate ceasefire in Gaza, demand for accountability, and criticism towards Christian leaders.

59:28 Palestinian Christians challenging Zionism through theology and advocacy,

1:07:14 Reflections on the unexpected and devastating events of October 7th in Palestine.

1:15:44 Palestinian pastor warns of impending genocide in Gaza due to lack of international intervention.

1:23:13 Reflections on the impact of genocide and ethnic cleansing on Palestinian resilience

1:30:56 Reflection on historical injustices, colonialism, and lack of empathy towards Palestinians.

The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
Middle East Eye



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