Direct Impact | Black Rock Ukraine




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Direct Impact | Black Rock Ukraine

Every war has its profiteers. When the US invaded Iraq in 2003, it was Halliburton that was accused of profiting off of the war. What made their role even more controversial was the fact that Dick Cheney, who was serving as US Vice President at the time, was their former CEO. Fast forward two decades later and Halliburton has taken a backseat to the US multinational investment company Black Rock. Black Rock has accumulated over $8 trillion worth of assets and its sights are now set on Ukraine, where the country's President Vladimir Zelensky has met with the company's management. Why Black Rock? Direct Impact's Rick Sanchez sits down with investigative journalist Wyatt Reed to discuss the company's shady deals and war profiteering across the world.

The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski


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Direct Impact | Black Rock Ukraine