Trans US colonel calls for more trans soldiers… again




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Trans US colonel calls for more trans soldiers… again

As the United States engages in proxy wars around the world, and suffers economic collapse every time Joe Biden wakes from his hourly nap. As its borders become a cruel and mocking memory, the US military is preparing itself in the only way it knows how: getting more transgender servicemen into positions of middle management. Bree Fram, who identifies both as a lieutenant colonel in the US Space Force and a transgender woman, recently took to the stage at the National Character and Leadership Symposium to call for more inclusivity, more pronouns, and more transgender spacemen. ‘The point of representation and recognizing the people among you from groups that have been historically discriminated against, and holding them up for others to see is critical,’ he said. ‘This is what's so important, because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter in terms of mission accomplishment.’

As another clip from 2022 shows, Lt. Col. Fram has been advocating for this for a long time, and disappointingly, the US military has not become full of transgender spacemen. From a certain point of view, Fram has a point about recruitment being more important than operational effectiveness at this point, because the US military desperately needs any recruits they can get. Instead of proud battalions of transgender spacemen, the US has instead had the worst recruitment cycle in US history – the US needs its transgender reinforcements more than ever.

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