Ghada Chehade: Power of Predominant Science




The philosopher Socrates was one told by the Oracle at Delphi that he was the wisest person in all of Athens, to which he replied something along the lines of..."Nobody knows anything, and I know that I know nothing. Thus, if I am wiser than others it is only because I recognize my own ignorance."

Since industrialization, Science—and scientific research and peer review funding—has become increasingly specialized and linked to big business and big governance. This global alliance forces acquiescence to dominant ideologies and interests.

It's accurate to state big science is in the domain of predominant power. Discourse analyst, Ghada Chehade, PhD, names some of the gate-keepers and shows how they are far more interested in self-preservation and forced consensus than empirical observation and debate.

The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
The Thunderbolts Project




Ghada Chehade

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Ghada Chehade: Power of Predominant Science

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