A lot of people will say
The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
What Is A Woman?

Matt Walsh

“What is a Woman?” ● Question answered!

Robert Hoogland ● “CD” ● What Is A Woman?

Robert Hoogland

Robert Hoogland ● “CD” ● What Is A Woman?

What’s your message to parents

Who are trying to cope with this?

The first thing is,

To tell parent that they are not alone.

It is our responsibility as a parent

To be the frontline defense for our children.

And I know with my child,

A lot of people will say

Was it worth it?

Because now, seemingly, have lost your child.

And I’ll say, yeah, but at least I’ve saved my conscience

And my morals and convictions.

And when my child turns 25

And says, “Dad, where were you?”

I was there. I was fighting as hard as I could.

I’ll say,

I was not prepared to let this happen.