An appeal for involvement or even taking over the ShofarLeaks project


This is in reference to the ShofarLeaks project which has the goals of

– Protecting the Whistleblower

– Freeing the Sex Slave

– Facilitating Reconciliation

There has been outreach and contact with people in New York, Washington DC, Kiev, Donetsk, Moscow, and here in Tennessee. However, the project is about to collapse as resources and participants dissipated. So this is an appeal to anyone who would like to take part, fund, or even take over the project.

It doesn’t matter if your principles are different than mine, or you are simply motivated by the potential serious profit from the project, if there is any interest, please let me know now.

Modest funding is required for the project to support my eating habit and my home/office. I don’t need an airplane. Since funding is exhausted I am actively pursuing employment in software development, but I am finding that being a DOD whistleblower limits my options, and my involvement in ShofarLeaks might not look to good to some. But I am to the point if an employment opportunity comes and ShofarLeaks cannot be restarted, the ShofarLeaks project is over.

Details on the project are below if you want to review them. However, if all you are seeing is an emotional appeal, please ignore me as you have no idea who I am or what ShofarLeaks is about.

If you want an in depth dialog on the technology, I am more than willing to do that with you. However, I am aware that many will run scared, or as one party stated “You are on the wrong side of the NSA”. Others are simply driven by esthetics or what is cool and probably have their head buried in a cellphone anyway. But there are some non-emasculated males still walking the planet, and if that describes you, perhaps we should talk.

There have been distant observations of those this project could help, emails with some directly, and face-to-face with others. I can’t just say I tried and wish them well, but on the other hand I have this eating habit that has become a problem.

So I set this before you for your consideration. If there is any interest, email me at


John Kozlowski

What is ShofarLeaks?

ShofarLeaks is a software technology solution to build an ecosystem, not an organization, which may support individuals or families in difficult situations. It is not a cure for all, but “a fighting chance for some”. This is describe in some detail in the video:

“Modern day slavery – from cocoa to sex – offering a fighting chance for some”

Protecting the Whistleblower

The original motivation for the project in 2012 was the whistleblower as you will find I describe myself as a repeat offender.

In some cases this is high profile where a mistake can result in prison or death. An example of this is the article “Collateral Pipeline ● the Collateral Murder for our time” ( It is the Collateral Murder video that brought WikiLeaks to the world stage and continues to have Julian Assange in prison under no charge and being tortured. ShofarLeaks gets its name as respect to WikiLeaks as my proximity to the Collateral Murder event is a bit uncomfortable.

There are mid-level cases where the issue is typically money related, from thousands to millions. Mistakes at this level can result in persecution, abandonment, torture, prison or death. Perhaps some can be protected. This is the level I played at and lost.

There are the low-level cases where the issue is minor but still wrong. The cost of exposing it may be reduced or eliminated with the ShofarLeaks model. However, low-level cases when unaddressed may fester into a more serious issues or build an acceptance of inappropriate deeds.

The ShofarLeaks model may allow the whistleblower to expose information to mitigate or eliminate the issue while protecting the identity of the whistleblower.

Freeing the Sex Slave

Abject slavery is a horrendous issue impacting millions of people in the fishing, textile, mining, brickmaking, farming, and other industries. Perhaps an inventive person could use ShofarLeaks to address one of these areas, but in the case of sex slavery there are clear options, and this may also apply to organ harvesting.

Addressing the marketers of sex slaves only means others will replace them. The objective is to address the customers. In most cases the customers do not see any risk in what they do as they are probably well funded and in positions of power. Their greatest weakness is exposure. An organization that would help the victim would be the first place those in power would compromise. This has been done and continues to be so. The ShofarLeaks model puts into the hands of some of the victims a fighting chance that is not dependent on an organization. This would have a limited impact, but still can have an impact on some. As the “Modern day slavery” video asks: “What if that is your daughter?

Facilitating Reconciliation

While it is the least dramatic, reconciliation is the heart of ShofarLeaks. When an individual is disfavored by a group, reconciliation with the group can be difficult. However, reconciliation with one member of the group, perhaps unknown to the others of the group, can be invaluable. The hope in ShofarLeaks is to open the door to private dialogs that may facilitate reconciliation even when no one else ever knows about it. For the parties involved, this can be worth more than gold.

In general there will probably be little passion for this as when it occurs successfully, there is no fanfare. However, I can give an example of how this can be seen in the case where hate and death are the norm, as in a war. In the 1930s and 1940s a young lady worked for the Third Reich military in Germany and Poland. Post the war she became one with a US soldier and had a 60 year long loving relationship. I call them mom and dad.

Press freedom

This can be seen as a secondary benefit of the ShofarLeaks ecosystem. Censorship is rampant as are threats to journalists who take unpopular stands or report on things that others do not want known about. The ShofarLeaks ecosystem does not give them just simply another platform with different terms, but a platform of their own with their terms. When necessary they can be hidden as the source, just like the whistleblower. When they act to expose information, they have a model with ShofarLeaks to not just protect the information with policy, but technology. It is in their hands alone.

Profit Motive

A non-profit organization needs a constant donor inflow. This can be a concern when your job or your life is on the line. ShofarLeaks can be developed into an ecosystem where profit is the motive which ensures the stability of the ecosystem.

The areas of potential income are communications and distributed storage, as the multiple ownership model can bring serious advantages to customers.

Communications services can be a significant revenue source. Garnering 1% of the existing multi-billion-dollar distributed storage market is also very attractive. What is necessary is one or more people with the drive and stamina to make it happen.

The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
Oct 19, 2023 ● An appeal for involvement or even taking over the ShofarLeaks project
Oct  3, 2023 ● Collateral Murder - An overtly Christian Perspective - "Who is my neighbor?" - Why I press on

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

“Modern day slavery – from cocoa to sex – offering a fighting chance for some”