About John Kozlowski
# Domain Segment
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# Domain Segment
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# Domain Segment
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The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
<Shofar Identity="Kozlowski@_Info,About" Updated="2021-08-17T14:50:50" Initial="2018-07-17T13:54:03" ShofarNexus="2000-11-02" xmlns="http://ShofarNexus.com" Title="About John Kozlowski" Label="About"> <Markup> <Markup Key="Article"> <Layout Key=".EsvBr" Show="Markup_Class_Build=line-height:100%;margin:0;"/> <Layout Key=".EsvDeclares" Show="Markup_Class_Build=padding-left:11em;text-indent:-2em;"/> <Layout Key=".EsvIndent" Show="Markup_Class_Build=padding-left:7em;text-indent:-4em;"/> <Layout Key=".EsvIndent2" Show="Markup_Class_Build=padding-left:9em;text-indent:-5em;"/> <Layout Key=".EsvIndentBr" Show="Markup_Class_Build=margin:0;padding-left:7em;text-indent:-4em;"/> <Layout Key=".EsvLord" Show="Markup_Class_Build=font-weight:bold;;font-variant:small-caps;"/> <Layout Key=".EsvP" Show="Markup_Class_Build=margin:.09in 0;"/> <Layout Key=".EsvSmallCaps" Show="Markup_Class_Build=font-variant:small-caps;"/> <Layout Key=".EsvWoc" Show="Markup_Class_Build=Color:Red;"/> <Row> <Cell> <Paragraph Text="A guy who actually believes 2"> <Jot Text="nd" Class="Superscript"/> <Jot Text=" Timothy 3:16 is true."/> </Paragraph> <Paragraph Style="Padding:.5em 3em;"> <Jot Text="16" Class="Superscript"/> <Jot Text="All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,"/> <Jot Text="{C2A0C2A0}"/> <Jot Text="17" Class="Superscript"/> <Jot Text="that the man of God"/> <Jot Text=" may be competent, equipped for every good work."/> </Paragraph> <Paragraph Text="A guy who attempts to live 1"> <Jot Text="st" Class="Superscript"/> <Jot Text=" Peter 3:15."/> </Paragraph> <Paragraph Style="Padding:.5em 3em;"> <Jot Text="14" Class="Superscript"/> <Jot Text="But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled,"/> <Jot Text="{C2A0C2A0}"/> <Jot Text="15" Class="Superscript"/> <Jot Text="but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,"/> <Jot Text="{C2A0C2A0}"/> <Jot Text="16" Class="Superscript"/> <Jot Text="having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame."/> </Paragraph> <Paragraph Text="A flawed guy who basks in the mercy of the Lord."/> </Cell> </Row> </Markup> </Markup> <Image> <Image Key="Thumb" Alias="Core~_Icon,About~Image,Thumb"/> </Image> </Shofar>