8:09PM ray ► John Kozlowski ● “We don't have a problem with the word ekklesia”

We don't have a problem with the word ekklesia because our church was described as "KataHoles" in the original Greek in the Book of Acts 9:31, the problem is you reject Jesus' words in MATTHEW 16:18-19 that his church is also a kingdom. Again, Read MATTHEW 16:18-19 were Jesus gave the keys to the KINGDOM to Peter. A kingdom and a government is also an institution, without its institutional power and authority you will not have a Holy Bible right now. Again, stop redefining the word church to justify protestant cults and sects. Never did Jesus, the apostles, Tradition and scripture says that protestant cults and sects based on an individual's personal interpretation is a church !

The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
# Time
 1 Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:09PM ray ► John Kozlowski ● “We don't have a problem with the word ekklesia”