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Call attempt #578 - Day 861 - “Patch or Solve Censorship and Privacy”

My first smoothie in about two weeks was wonderful!!! I admit I have become addicted to raw cocoa, raw milk, and good eggs.

This morning I noticed that a video I did in September, “Patch or Solve Censorship and Privacy” hit 100 views on BitChute. While not a big number, it is more than I get in casual conversation. I decided to watch is while making breakfast and found that it was very good in the content it presented. It doesn’t make me liked in the corporate environment, but I suggest is offers a lot of insight and is an act of love. The links are below so you can watch it from a sight where I won’t know it is you.

Now a complete and a fixed part of the internals of ShofarNexus is when an object is tagged with a numeric identifier, an arbitrary four character string is used. It could have been anything just to indicate that is it not zero. I pondered several things, but then in the middle of the night the answer came to mind. The tag is “ILDJ” which is an acronym for “I Love Dorothy-Jane”. It is now in my development environment and is used a whole lot of times per second. It is also in use in Georgia and Florida. Once the stores are updated, it will be in many states.

This is reminiscent to the text “The Quick Ceramic Microprocessor Jumped to the Next Instruction” which is embedded into well over 100,000 Harley Davidson motorcycles built in the early 1980s. This is what software developers do. The choice of “ILDJ” is also what a man in love does.

Dorothy-Jane, I Love You!

“Patch or Solve Censorship and Privacy”

The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
Keeping the Promise ● A postcard is sent every day in unmitigated hope

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Call attempt #578 - Day 861 - “Patch or Solve Censorship and Privacy”

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Patch or Solve Censorship and Privacy

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