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Call attempt #780 - Day 1,142 - If someone is reaching out, I’m reaching back!!!

An email was sent just before I made my call today. It is copied below. The voicemail has more details, and I won’t add them here.

Dorothy-Jane, I love you!



Because of unusual circumstances, I noticed something happening in Lexington as described in the linked video.

The timing was remarkable. Last night I decided to watch ErikaLeigh’s “Keeping the Promise” video and found this morning that someone in Lexington did the same a couple hours later, plus the fact that I noticed as there is a problem with the logs, made it stand out all the more.

So I described my thoughts on this shortly after I saw it in video form below. It is there to see now, or long in the future.

The fundamental thought I had is that if there is someone who is reaching out, for any reason, they need to know that I’m reaching back, thus the title and my effort now. I am the husband of Dorothy-Jane and the dad to our nine kids. I will do what I can to reconcile the family.

Mr. Cross, as again made clear in the video, this should begin with you and me. As the Lord said to Job: “Dress for action like a man”. Are you man enough? Do you trust in the Lord enough to obey Him, especially His command to love which is manifested in reconciliation? Do you have the heart’s desire, as I do, to show before our family what two men who are foul but have the grace of the Lord in their lives, to show it by reconciliation? Or are you the liar described in 1st John 2:4? The evidence is before all and it is time to live in obedience to the Lord and show love. I remain willing.

To anyone, notably my kids, if you happen to be reaching out now, or do so in the future, as long as I have breath, I will reach back.

To my wife, you know probably better than I do, that my commitment to you is solid and will not change. The way your hand was in mine in ErikaLeigh’s “Keeping the Promise” video remains possible to continue. I have kept the promise. Please let us show the world that we both do.

I love you all, especially my wife!

The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
Keeping the Promise ● A postcard is sent every day in unmitigated hope

Monday, October 21, 2019

Call attempt #780 - Day 1,142 - If someone is reaching out, I’m reaching back!!!

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Monday, October 21, 2019

If someone is reaching out, I’m reaching back!!!

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