Call attempt #1,400 – Day 2,023 – Postcard to Jim Cross – A bunch on ErikaLeigh and Harmonic Atheist
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Oct 30, 2012 ● Permanent Parenting Plan ● Rights of Parents

Topics for today:


Returned mail.

ErikaLeigh, Harmonic Atheist, and related stuff.

“I DECONSTRUCTED MY RELIGION and found FREEDOM instead of FLAMES - Erika Sams”


My Lady, I love you!

Mr. Cross,

It seems my wife, your daughter, is following your model. She twists Galatians 5 like you twist Matthew 19. In both cases, a challenge is refused and you both just run.

You seem to not only teach her to trust the state, you facilitate her turning to the state, and I wonder if you bask in the joy of the state. For me, I turn to the Lord.

Speaking of the Lord, let me remind you of some verses from the Bible:

Rom 7:2 “For a married woman is bound by law to her husband while he lives, but if her husband dies she is released from the law of marriage.”

1Co 7:39 “A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.”


Since as of this moment I still have a pulse, as the Lord defines, and not the state, Dorothy-Jane, the woman I love, committed my life to, and she committed her life to me, together we remain one. If the state is your Lord, then that is not true. Who again is your lord?


There is a solution to this mess. You can find the word in an English dictionary and many times in the Bible. It is called “reconciliation”. However, it takes both parties. I have been at the table for years.


What will you and my wife tell the Lord about refusing to reconcile? Perhaps it shouldn’t be just me, but we who can say we made a serious effort and did not give up on that effort to reconcile. I think that is the best idea! Shall we?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Rights of Parents

Friday, March 11, 2022

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A bunch on ErikaLeigh and Harmonic Atheist

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Call attempt #1,400 – Day 2,023 – Postcard to Jim Cross – A bunch on ErikaLeigh and Harmonic Atheist

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I DECONSTRUCTED MY RELIGION ... and found FREEDOM instead of FLAMES - Erika Sams

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Postcard refused ● Returned on March 11, 2022


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