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Call attempt #644 - Day 951 - Julian Assange – the Protester – the Protestant – Is Manning the next McCorvey? ● 5

Today was eventful and not what I planned. It was a surprise to me that I would see the arrest video of Julian Assange in London less than an hour after it happened. Since I did video #4 on the Manning/McCorvey issue a month ago I gave a lot of thought and prayer on the question if I should jump on this. About two hours later my video was edited and published and viewers were immediate. Within 12 hours I passed 50 combined views which for me is remarkable and it included someone in the Netherlands who watched it directly on Kozlowski.org.

I sent an email to my family which I have included below and figured it was time to get to work on software. However, almost immediately after I hit send, I got a call from David Tulis who asked me to be a guest on his radio program in Chattanooga today to discuss this subject. I was on for just shy of 15 minutes and you can listen to it.

But then there is the reality. This is a news item for today and will pass. The issue of reconciliation will not pass until reconciliation happens or death comes. This week I heard about another gentleman that I knew that was younger than me and is now dead. Death comes to all. Reconciliation comes to some. Without hesitation I will pursue reconciliation. Please join me!

The focus remains, Dorothy-Jane, I love you!

In the voicemails I have mention that my videos are slowing gaining an audience. I have wondered about promoting them but haven’t. Experience has shown that because the content of most of my videos are timeless, they continue to get a steady viewership, but still typically somewhat over a hundred views. However, I have broken a thousand views by catching something that is popular. Perhaps I have done it again today?

To be clear, the “unnamed person” that I mention is Jim Cross.

Mr. Cross, the offer of grace remains before you. Will you continue to reject it?

I have other things to do today, so this will simmer for a bit. I might share it with others tonight.

Fritz Erbee was held in a hole for seven years by the protestant church, literally a few feet from where Martin Luther translated the New Testament into his native German, until he died.

Julia Assange was held in a much nicer hole for almost seven years, and now events in his life will change. There are many prominent figures in the US who have publically stated they want him dead. Does his new beard remind you of anyone?

I have stated in the past that I live in a much nicer hole than Fritz Erbee, but it is also almost seven years. I’m not giving up. Erbee was mostly forgotten, but Assange has a much larger stage. I wonder in the hearts and minds of my own family, especially my wife, am I forgotten, or is anyone interested in a restored family?

I love you all.

The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
Keeping the Promise ● A postcard is sent every day in unmitigated hope

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Call attempt #644 - Day 951 - Julian Assange – the Protester – the Protestant – Is Manning the next McCorvey? ● 5

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Julian Assange – the Protester – the Protestant – Is Manning the next McCorvey? ● 5

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Julian Assange and WikiLeaks with David Tulis on NoogaRadio

Recent Voicemails
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