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Call attempt #646 - Day 955 - Julia, Notre Dame, Whistleblowers and little guys

I had a dialog with Julia over the weekend. If Julia is willing, I think it should be shared with my wife and Jim Cross. I will leave that up to her and Isaac and not reveal anything myself except obviously we had the dialog.

It was interesting to me to see Notre Dame going up in flames. I did spend a few minutes inside in the 1970s and it is rather large. There are a growing number of places I have been that I can no longer take my family to, such as the World Trade Center, Notre Dame, or a ride in the Buick. However, it is not places or things that are important, but people. It is not going to a place but being with someone. Proverbs 17:1 comes to mind. I still desire to share at least the dry morsel with my lady.

Assange, Manning and WikeLeaks are back in the news but most of it is sensationalism and distortion. I still remember Jim Cross’s statement about how he should be avoided. Well it seems because I remain a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and consider things like not abandoning people, I have been on a different path. While not with WikiLeaks, I have been more than involved with numerous other parties, but with that decidedly Christian perspective. I often think of John Kiriakou who leaked the fact that the US tortures people by policy and served 30 months in prison because of it. But afterward he returned to his wife and five kids. Some are loved and wanted.

Then there is the related idea of supporting the little guy. I watched Ed’s Process (the butcher shop) crushed by government pressures, and now Weekly Fig in a similar way. But this is simply the government being used as an agent for the large corporate players. Rapid RMS might have just been hit very hard today in the same way.

What stood out in the dialog with Nirav, a non-practicing Hindu, about the current pressure is the desire to be supportive of the smaller players. Where is the Christian community on this?

Dorothy-Jane, while discouraged lately I’m not giving up on that minor issue in Leviticus or you. I love you!

The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
Keeping the Promise ● A postcard is sent every day in unmitigated hope

Monday, April 15, 2019

Call attempt #646 - Day 955 - Julia, Notre Dame, Whistleblowers and little guys

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