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Call attempt #1,433 – Day 2,068 – Postcard to Jim Cross – Introduction 8: – Health – Medical – Clothing – Exorcise – State – Education – Christ
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Topics for today:


A long attempt to teach and encourage my kids.


Deuteronomy 6:7 “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”


Today’s postcard was sent to Jim Cross.

The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
Voicemail Introduction – Why is this happening?

Intro: Paying the cost

Apr 11, 2022

Intro 2: “Keeping the promise”

Apr 12, 2022

Intro 3 ● Daniel Hale

Apr 18, 2022

Intro 4 ● Bush/Kerry

Apr 20, 2022

Intro 5 ● Collateral Murder

Apr 25, 2022

Intro 6: Cross, Caines, Bitterman

Apr 26, 2022

Intro 7: Marriage begins with sex

Apr 27, 2022

Intro 8: Health – Ed – Christ

Apr 29, 2022

Intro 9: Wife, adulteress, or dead

May 6, 2022

Friday, April 29, 2022

Intro 8: Health – Ed – Christ

Friday, April 29, 2022

Jim Cross ● Intro Videos

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Call attempt #1,430 – Day 2,065 – Postcard to Madge Cross – Introduction 6: Reconcile with Jim Cross, Render Caines, and Chris Bitterman

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Acceptable Theft

Monday, April 25, 2011

I saw something, I’m saying something

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Advice to my sons about the military

Recent Voicemails
1Co 4:10 We are fools for Christ's sake, but you are wise in Christ. We are weak, but you are strong. You are held in honor, but we in disrepute. To the present hour we hunger and thirst, we are poorly dressed and buffeted and homeless, and we labor, working with our own hands. When reviled, we bless; when persecuted, we endure; when slandered, we entreat. We have become, and are still, like the scum of the world, the refuse of all things.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Call attempt #1,952 – Day 2,793 – 51 days to George – “but for autocracy”

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Call attempt #1,951 – Day 2,792 – 52 days to George – “Free yourself from any attachments to these products”

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Call attempt #1,950 – Day 2,791 – 53 days to George – Bugs and dialogs

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Call attempt #1,949 – Day 2,790 – 54 days to George – Slavery issue again

Monday, April 22, 2024

Call attempt #1,948 – Day 2,789 – 55 days to George – Charlotte – Car reminder

Friday, April 19, 2024

Call attempt #1,947 – Day 2,786 – 58 days to George – Ray Burkholder – Step Out of The Boat

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Call attempt #1,946 – Day 2,785 – 59 days to George – I’m still on “the wrong side of the NSA”

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Call attempt #1,945 – Day 2,784 – 60 days to George – ShofarNexus compared to Telegram

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Call attempt #1,944 – Day 2,783 – 61 days to George – Similarities of Zionism and Hindutva – Collections

Monday, April 15, 2024

Call attempt #1,943 – Day 2,782 – 62 days to George – Gospel – Lavender – “Where’s Daddy”

Friday, April 12, 2024

Call attempt #1,942 – Day 2,779 – 65 days to George – Christians in Jerusalem – Email reply all – Actual Voicemail

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Call attempt #1,941 – Day 2,778 – 66 days to George – Grace – Zionism – Romans 13:11-14

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Keeping the Promise

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Mother's Prayer -- Happy Mother’s Day

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

An effort toward reconciliation - “Suckered by Encryption” - Reviving ShofarLeaks

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Marriage Defined and a Commitment Beyond

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Creation Story – Slightly Embellished by a Man in Love

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Postcard Reconciliation

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Draft of “The Bible is true and the institutional church is a fraud”