RE: I forgive you

Mr. Cross,

The timing of your email is interesting in that I just sent an email to some friends about how I have been recently described as a Satanist, pedophile, and commie faggot, the first two coming from someone claiming to be a Christian. This was due to calling out the fallacy of the movie Sound of Freedom, Operation Underground Railroad, and those behind it, especially those with the half million dollar salaries. The arguments against me were simply irrational slander, and seemed to be from those deceived or self-righteous. Then I get your email and can’t help but think I was seeing more of the same, a self-righteous judgement and condemnation.

It reminds me when I brought up Matthew 5:24 to you and you twisted it completely to throw it back on me. Would you like a reminder of that? Also, if you want I have the image of the document you put in my hand exactly five years to the day of the July 12, 2007, Baghdad airstrike. There is a relationship. I do have a photo of the Tomal family on my wall next to a photo of Susanna from that day for a reason.

By the way, did Susanna ever get the medal I sent her via you?

If you are interested to know more, there is a 9 part introduction video series at that goes into this. You already have that link as it is on the front of the cards you have received for years, as well as numerous other people. However, I have over 200 cards that were refused marked “return to sender”. Perhaps you are aware that doing such is against the law, but as I’m sure you would agree, when you are part of the institutional church, man’s laws don’t apply, just like God’s laws. Do I have that right?

The first video is a direct invitation to reconciliation and the sixth is titled “Reconcile with Jim Cross, Render Caines, and Chris Bitterman”. The suggestion is made for anyone in leadership at Covenant, since they are nearby, to simply show up at my door. But that would require an act of love.

You may be aware that there is this idea at least suggested in what I assume you ascribe as a quaint book that tells a dad to teach his kids about the Lord. That would be Deuteronomy 6 if you want to look under the dust to find your Bible. Since my calls to my kids have been censored for 7 years, again in violation of man’s law, there are a whole lot of hours of them in video form online for my kids to perhaps one day see. They are viewed by others outside of the family. My kids might find out that their dad has been actively trying to reconcile the family. It might come as a shock to them as it seems their mom, granddad, and institutional church leadership have actively thwarted attempts at reconciliation. Just like man’s laws, Leviticus 19:18 does not apply when you are a member of the institutional church, right?

So while you are sitting on your comfortable chair salving your conscience by sending an email to me offering your highly coveted forgiveness, think hard what to say to one of my kids when they ask you why did you not respond to years of requests to reconcile? Why did mom close her heart to the man she committed her life to? Why is there no willingness to reconcile as the Lord commands? From the example set before them, why would then have any reason to think that the Lord is who He claims to be as what they see in front of them are hypocrites? Easy questions, right? We already see ErikaLeigh’s and Jack’s answer. Jack took on your name. It gives one pause.

The ShofarLeaks project was started in 2012 while my wife was still at my side as the issue has had a bit more than a minor impact on my life and therefore my family. I have made a lot of blunders because of it, and it has opened my eyes to the blunders other whistleblowers make. As my study over the years on the subject expanded to slavery, an area of relationship became clear. But due to being a follower of Christ, a vital area is also reconciliation. You can find that word in an English dictionary. Therefore the focus of ShofarLeaks is now described as: Protecting the Whistleblower, Freeing the Sex Slave, Facilitating Reconciliation. Do you know what it is like to talk with those involved indirectly or directly with sex slaves or be one? I do. Do you remember the intensity I had focusing on pro-life work. That still exists in expanded ways. But this is not for the squeamish, so I guess you have already turned away.

Thank you for your forgiveness. However, with the continued refusal to pursue reconciliation, I feel just as loved as the Tomal kids did by those trained by the leadership of the institutional church I was a member of. You can see a photo of Susanna and the Tomal family at:

The offer of reconciliation remains on the table. You will find I have often reviewed the Galatians 2 and 2nd Peter 3 relationship, and how I have desired that with you, Render Caines, and Chris Bitterman. I have been praying daily for all three of you for years.


John Kozlowski

The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
Keeping the Promise ● A postcard is sent every day in unmitigated hope

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Email from Jim Cross

Sunday, July 23, 2023

I forgive you

Sunday, July 23, 2023

RE: I forgive you

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Re: I forgive you

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Re: I forgive you


Jim Cross ● 2023

Recent Voicemails
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