Re: I forgive you

Mr. Cross,

I have to admit, as a dad defending his daughter, that I noticed you misspelled Susanna. If this was the worst of it, that would be great, but clearly it is not.

When I read your email what I see from the first sentence to the last seems to be the same tone as those trusting in the deceptive words described in Jeremiah 7:4. But that is tone, so let’s address specifics. Please forgive me yet again, but I’m going to use evidence and also attempt to apply the Scripture rather than just a quaint reference. There will be a lot in this email that my guess you will think needs to be forgiven.

My response to your first email was replied to many and can be found with this online at: If you respond to me again, please consider doing a reply all. You do want to proclaim your model of forgiveness, don’t you?


After getting your email Sunday I did watch the October 24, 2022 voicemail that was specifically focused on Susanna. You can find it online at: and titled “Call attempt #1,558 – Day 2,246 – Postcard to Susanna – The man you become one with is a jerk – Love him well – 5K Race”. It is rather long at an hour, but if you have opened the box, you would have found a DVD with the voicemail on it. So what is on that long voicemail? Well there is a lot about my history, walking, the race, sex slavery, and then a bunch of a dad trying to teach his daughter what it is to be a woman, and a wife. The title makes that clear with “The man you become one with is a jerk – Love him well”. The point is directly stated that the model set before her is not one of a follower the Lord’s commands. I back that up and can do so in more detail, but instead of engaging on that you censor. Why would you censor? Obviously because you are not on solid ground. That would be Matthew 7:24-27.

A point on the video. When I show the “Run for their Freedom” shirt, you will notice a bit of a pause. Yes, I was almost in tears. You see I take this seriously. It is called an act of love and gets to the ShofarLeaks project. Why ShofarLeaks? It is related to Mr. Tomal and Susanna, but I’ve already pointed to that video.


There should be an obvious question of why I sent the medal to you rather than directly to Susanna. There was precedence set by the events when an email from George was forwarded and he stated “I have missed you so much I wish we were a family again I loved having both a MOM and a DAD.” ( The related videos are a bit provocative and one is directly to you. Note that this is over 3 years ago.

There were a bunch of responses from me and later a tie was sent George. Shortly thereafter it was returned to me as describe in: Call attempt #866 - Day 1,263 - George’s Unclaimed Tie and an opportunity to demonstrate Luke 6:27 (

George reached out. I reached back repeatedly. I have yet to hear again from George for years. Blocking my communications to George and not allowing me to hear from him is cruel to both George and me. My request to George to hike with me to the top of Big Frog Mountain on December 8, 2023, Dorothy-Jane’s birthday, to do my 1 millionth jumping jack remains.

You will have to forgive me yet again as the links to all of this and so many related things are on today’s call attempt: Obviously it is an offense to use evidence, or even worse point to the Scripture. Yesterday’s voicemail is also informative.

You will find in the related videos a constant appeal that you and I should be the first to reconcile. We are both elders, not by being elected to it, but aging into it. We both have had the time to mature. Did you make use of the time? Mature men “act like men” and “Let all that you do be done in love.” (1Co16:13-14) Do you have the foggiest idea of what that means?


You state from a video “the children who thought they were ignored by the missing parent were generally drawn toward the "missing" parent”. You might find that I have expressed the same concern. The ramifications were expressed directly in the previous email highlighted in yellow. Yes, this is a big concern.

Dorothy-Jane’s response

You then state Dorothy-Jane’s response. Let me reiterate again, I love Dorothy-Jane and my sole desire is reconciliation and reunification.

“Regular basis” has a wide ranging meaning. Can you be more specific? Is this the last month, or over 7 years ago?

If the claim about their feelings is from over 7 years ago, wouldn’t the loving thing be to bring this up 7 years ago rather than now?

The idea of me “chewing them out” is a stretch. This should be known as not my character. The statement seems to be simple slander to justify a position.

The idea that “they would tell you something about what's happening at school” is interesting as I cannot recall a single example of that. Well, after 7 years we can forget things. But then “a tirade” in response will be hard to substantiate and again is simply slander.

The statement “The only school you would support was a homeschool” would be consistent as you might recall that until my wife abandoned me, all our kids were 100% homeschooled. But now they are in a “Christian School”. You do understand that “grooming” takes place there as much as in government schools. Who is it who loves our kids?

Then the statement “too hard to get them to accept your calls” is problematic. Start with the obvious statement from George about being a family again. Let me remind you that during the last call I had 7 years ago I was emphatic that my goal was a reconciled and reunified family. I suggest that is more likely the cause of not answering my calls. If my kids heard from their dad constantly that he was trying to reconcile the family, those who were thwarting it would not look good. It reminds you of the “searcher” you mentioned, doesn’t it?

There is that other minor issue that it is not a legal choice my wife can make to censor calls or mail from me if man’s laws are clear. If it is “too hard” does that overrule man’s laws? Is that the model you want to set before my kids?

It seems not to be shared, but there is also God’s laws. There is a little known one in Exodus 20:12 that might be applicable. But perhaps it is “too hard” to follow that one? Perhaps it is best to set the model in front of the kids that God’s law only apply when you want them to. Is that right? To be clear, that is exactly what is happening. I will also mention Ephesians 6:1.

“Made contact with you only to be disappointed”

What comes to mind is fairly recent emails with Julia. We discussed an actual meeting so I could meet my grandkids for the first time. She suggested meeting half way and I proposed a place. She then stated that she would bring Charlotte, James, and her boyfriend. My pointing to Romans 7:1-3 ended that dialog. But that would be consistent as it appears my wife does not agree with the direct statement in Scripture. Considering you have stated that “Dorothy-Jane is a free woman”, you clearly don’t believe it either. Isaac’s deeds do not give Julia license. But the best thing to do when challenged from the Scripture is to run, right? After all, that is the model set by you, Render Caines, and Chris Bitterman.

“Interact with them in a godly manner”

You state you want me to “interact with them in a godly manner”. It seems that pursuing a reconciled family is not a “godly manner” to set before them. Presenting to them hours of videos going in depth on the Scripture should clearly be hidden from them as it is not a “godly manner”. Striving to set a model of a flawed man wrestling with the Lord is clearly not a “godly manner”. With the exception of Jacob in Genesis 32, we have no example of that.

But what do you really mean with “godly manner”? We discussed Matthew 6:24 “You cannot serve God and money.” Your response was something like you have to be practical. I can look for it if desired. It seems I was acting in a “godly manner” when I was bringing in six-figures. When I was in a bit of turmoil in my life about circumstances, it was better to focus on why not the big bucks, as opposed to why did they stop? It is explained in the intro series I mentioned at,Intro, but that would take too much time and would only be of value to someone who is interested or should that be cares. There are issues that have had a noticeable impact on me that is reflected in the photos on my wall (, but again that is only for someone who is interested. Our focus is on a “godly manner” which somehow is reflected in income level, right? I would point again to the ShofarLeaks project (, but my guess is that is not a “godly manner”. After all the name is based on WikiLeaks and you specifically stated that “I should distance myself from Julian Assange”.

“Loving rebuke”

In order for me to be “receiving loving rebuke”, communications is required. This brings up a situation. I have a rather large library online showing my effort to communicate. And you have…?

We have the idea in Proverbs 9:8 “Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you.” In the videos linked today you will find that rebuke has gone from me to you. Was that to a wise man? You claim to have offered the same to me. Ah, but there is more in the Scripture. Consider 2nd Timothy 4:2 “reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience”. We see reprove and rebuke, but notice also complete patience. In other words, you never give up. Consider the years and years of silence from you. YOU GAVE UP! You wrote me off. You cannot call that “loving rebuke”.

“Others have lost all hope for that.”

The banner at is “Keeping the Promise ● A postcard is sent every day in unmitigated hope”.

There is no hope for others, but only for the followers of Christ. A follower of Christ loves, as seen in Leviticus 19:18. You won’t take much searching to find where I have quoted, even to my wife, 1st Corinthians 13:8 “Love never ends.” In other words, I have hope. Do you?


John Kozlowski

The Kozlowski FamilyKozlowski
Keeping the Promise ● A postcard is sent every day in unmitigated hope

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Email from Jim Cross

Sunday, July 23, 2023

I forgive you

Sunday, July 23, 2023

RE: I forgive you

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Re: I forgive you

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Re: I forgive you


Jim Cross ● 2023

Recent Voicemails
1Co 4:10 We are fools for Christ's sake, but you are wise in Christ. We are weak, but you are strong. You are held in honor, but we in disrepute. To the present hour we hunger and thirst, we are poorly dressed and buffeted and homeless, and we labor, working with our own hands. When reviled, we bless; when persecuted, we endure; when slandered, we entreat. We have become, and are still, like the scum of the world, the refuse of all things.

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Keeping the Promise

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Mother's Prayer -- Happy Mother’s Day

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

An effort toward reconciliation - “Suckered by Encryption” - Reviving ShofarLeaks

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Marriage Defined and a Commitment Beyond

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

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Saturday, March 20, 2021

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